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updated 28.12.09 15:11
28.12.09 14:25   |  Gorby DS Open user info Open user photogallery |   Фильтр магазина
 Простенький плагинчик для фильтрации содержимого полок магазина по уровню предмета.

Update: 28-12-09 15:11
Сделали аналог в стандартном интерфейсе Плагин теперь не нужен.

Mood: задумчивое 
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13.12.09 21:21   |  LIhoradka Open user info Open user photogallery |   Всем привет, меня тут еще кто нить помнит???  ru
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17.11.09 12:04   |  Gorby DS Open user info Open user photogallery |   Отдых  ru
 Небольшой фотоотчет о поездке в Египет

Mood: хорошее 
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07.11.09 00:46   |  Ex*Goddess of Sun Open user info Open user photogallery |   Barcelona :)  ru
 Porque tanto perderse tanto buscarse sin encontrarseme encierran los muros de todas partes

Barcelona te estás equivocando no puedes seguir ignorando

que el mundo sea otra cosa y volar como mariposa.

Barcelona hace un calor que me deja fría por dentro con este vicio de vivir mintiendo

que bonito seria tu mar si supiera yo nadar.

Barcelona Y mientras está llena de cara de gente extranjera,

conocida , desconocida … y vuelta a ser transparente.

No insisto más Barcelona

si no es cosa de tus ritos (o gritos?) tu laberinto extrovertido.

No he encontrado la razón porque me duele el corazón

porque es tan fuerte que sólo podré vivirte en la distancia

y escribirte una canción.

Te quiero Barcelona

( male chorus: ellas en el poder ellas en el poder)
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updated 07.11.09 00:27
07.11.09 00:26   |  Ex*Goddess of Sun Open user info Open user photogallery |   Как-то так:)
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updated 05.11.09 11:34
05.11.09 10:47   |  Gorby DS Open user info Open user photogallery |   Отдых
 Вчера приобрел себе такую вот игрушку: Suunto D4

В ночь с этой пятницы на субботу опять улетаю в Египет на недельку, буду тестировать новые часики

Mood: замечательное 
Music: Мара - Откровенность - Sex
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22.10.09 10:40   |  Gorby DS Open user info Open user photogallery |   Не знаю, что делать...  ru
Перекличка пользователей клиента БК
Я использую AutoCombats ( 8179 / 97.4% )
Я использую чистый IE (Avant Browser, Maxthon) ( 171 / 2% )
Я использую другой клиент БК ( 49 / 0.6% )
Only authorized users
Vote status: vote are opened for users
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Republication tag: [vote=1156]

7254 игроков БК, порядка 80 тысяч строк исходного кода… А что делать дальше - не знаю :(

Mood: непонятное 
Music: Nathalie Cardone - Hasta Siempre
Comments: 15 | Post comment
07.10.09 16:57   |  Ex*Goddess of Sun Open user info Open user photogallery |   (c)  ru
 "Если человек тебе сделал ЗЛО — ты дай ему конфетку, он тебе ЗЛО — ты ему конфетку… И так до тех пор, пока у этой твари не разовьётся сахарный диабет!!! "
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21.09.09 15:37   |  Ex*Goddess of Sun Open user info Open user photogallery |   Rihanna - Disturbia  ru
 Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

What's wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?
I'm going crazy now

No more gas in the rig
Can't even get it started
Nothing heard, nothing said
Can't even speak about it
I'm a light on my head
Don't want to think about it
Feels like I'm going insane

It's a thief in the night
To come and grab you
It can creep up inside you
And consume you
A disease of the mind
It can control you
It's too close for comfort

Put on your green lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must falter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

Faded pictures on the wall
It's like they talkin' to me
Disconnectin' phone calls
The phone don't even ring
I gotta get out
Or figure this shit out
It's too close for comfort

It's a thief in the night
To come and grab you
It can creep up inside you
And consume you
A disease of the mind
It can control you
I feel like a monster

Put on your green lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must falter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

Release me from this curse
I'm trying to remain tame
But I'm struggling
You can't go, go, go
I think I'm going to oh, oh, oh

Put on your green lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must falter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
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21.09.09 08:01   |  Gorby DS Open user info Open user photogallery |   Отпуск  ru
 Ушел в отпуск на 2 недели. Меня ждет чешское пиво!
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