updated 15.12.08 02:26 15.12.08 02:25 |
NakoputiPrdel | Jožin z Bažin :) pinned |
en |
Hey there... here is free translation of one hell of a song :)
Jedu takhle tábořit Škodou 100 na Oravu,
Once i was going to camping, in my Skoda 100 (car type) to Orava (river in czech republic)
spěchám proto, riskuji, projíždím přes Moravu.
Im in hurry, so thats why im risking, driving thru Morava (region in eastern CZ)
Řádí tam to strašidlo, vystupuje z bažin ,
Theres that moster dabing, coming out of the swamps
žere hlavně Pražáky a jmenuje se Jožin.
Its eating mainly ppl from Prague (CZ cupital city), its name is Jožin.
® : Jožin z bažin močálem se plí ží,
Jozin of the swamp, crawling thru the marsh,
Jožin z bažin k vesnici se blíží,
Jozin of the swamp, coming to the village
Jožin z bažin už si zuby brousí,
Jozin of the swamp its sharpening its teeth
Jožin z bažin kouše, saje, rdousí.
Jozin of the swamp is biting, sucking, strangling…
Na Jožina z bažin, koho by to napadlo, platí jen a pouze práš kovací letadlo.
Against Jozin of the swamp, who could find out, is effective only crop-duster.
2. Projížděl jsem Moravou směrem na Vizovice,
I was drivin thru Morava, all my way to Vizovice. (village famous by strong alcohol drinks)
přivítal mě předseda, řek' mi u slivovice:
Chairman said welcome, and he told me, while drinking slivovice (that alkohol)
"Živého či mrtvého Jožina kdo přivede,
Dead or Alive, the one, who will bring Jozin to me
tomu já dám za ženu dceru a půl JZD!"
Ill give him my daughter as a bride, and half of JZD (agriculture organisation in communist times)
® :
3. Říkám:"Dej mi, předsedo, letadlo a prášek,
Im saying, chairman, give me the plane and the spatter
Jožina ti přivedu, nevidím v tom háček."
And ill bring Jozin to you, i cant see any glitch there…
Předseda mi vyhověl, ráno jsem se vznesl,
Chairman did what i wanted, i lend off in the morning….
na Jožina z letadla prášek pěkně klesl.
The spatter from the plane is hitting Jozin down…
® : Jožin z bažin už je celý bílý,
Jozin of the swamp, all covered white…
Jožin z bažin z močálu ven pílí,
Jozin of the swamp is running out of the marsh
Jožin z bažin dostal se na kámen,
Jozin of the swamp made it to the rock…
Jožin z bažin - tady je s ním amen!
Jozin of the swamp - here, its over!
Jožina jsem dostal, už ho držím, johoho,
I got Jozin, now im holding him, woohoo…
dobré každé lóve, prodám já ho do ZOO.
Money is always needed, ill sell him to Zoo.
:P Enjoy
Mood: сонное  Music: Ivan Mládek - Jožin z Bažin
07.12.08 15:48 |
NakoputiPrdel | NoviceRoom Diary - Volume *1 pinned |
en |
Hey there... toay is 7.12.2008, Sunday about 15:45 FC time... and im in Novice room of New Capital City... Me, and 2 noobies....
One of those noobies is clearly AFK, so the other one start to talk to me... lets see, what does noobies think about our town:
Here ve go:
15:12 [Scorch] to [NakoputiPrdel] I have a question
15:20 [NakoputiPrdel] to [Scorch] yes?
15:24 [Scorch] to [NakoputiPrdel] Is it always that crowdy in here?
15:25 [NakoputiPrdel] to [Scorch] not always... sometimes....
15:28 [Scorch] to [NakoputiPrdel] WHy it blocks my messages?
15:28 [Scorch] It doesnt contain any reference to any different page
15:29 [Scorch] Look what o get once i type to u: Your message has been blocked, because it contains reference to a page which is different from *.combats.com
15:29 [NakoputiPrdel] write short sentences and dont use , and .
15:30 [Scorch] Ahha
15:30 [Scorch] So it's pretty much
15:30 [Scorch] 3 people.
15:30 [Scorch] Not much for a whole club
15:31 [Scorch] I wonder ift worth to keep it running like that
15:31 [NakoputiPrdel] not whole club... only novice room.... only lvl 0 ppl are here...
15:32 [NakoputiPrdel] theres 40+ ppl in the club
15:32 [NakoputiPrdel] right now
15:34 [Scorch] Alright and how am i suppose to level up?
15:35 [Scorch] Tough question huh?:)
15:36 [NakoputiPrdel] well ...start with killing Alex
15:38 [Scorch] He is clearly Afk
15:38 [Scorch] lol
15:38 [Scorch] Thats funny i have to say
15:38 [Scorch] Maybe u should put some..
15:38 [Scorch] Kinda autobots who fight people
15:39 [Scorch] Cause basically u can't level up alone
15:39 [Scorch] And if i was a newcomer
15:39 [Scorch] I would just leave and never come back
Sad, isnt it?
updated 07.12.08 15:49 05.12.08 17:43 |
NakoputiPrdel | FM - Friday's Music - Volume *2 |
en |
Here we go again... friday afternoon, and i decided to share some music i found out during last week, and which actually i like... id call it Pleasant Surprise :) ... So all of you, whos music fans, give it a try and leave your impression in coments..:)
This week, i decided to highlight
Black Lab - This Night
Mood: разочарованное  Music: Black Lab - This Night
updated 07.12.08 15:50 21.11.08 21:53 |
NakoputiPrdel | FM - Friday's Music - Volume *1 - The Killers |
en |
Hey ppl, whats up ?
Recently, as a huge music fan, when debut album of this band hit the stores, it was something unexpected for me. Catchy rhytm, clever lyrics, killing guitars and ... whats important the most, great music. Now, few years later, they are back with their 4th LP called Day & Age, and i have to say that after Sawdust (last CD), they had alot to improve. But old scrathes are forgotten, because the new cd if hell of a good work... so sit down, relax and chill with....
The Killers - Spaceman
Enjoy :)
Mood: похмельное  Music: The Killers - Spaceman
Comments: 1 | |
updated 21.11.08 21:56 11.09.08 18:45 |
NakoputiPrdel | 11th September.... Freedom is all arround! |
ru |
Hello there....
No, im not gonna write about attacks at WTC which happened 7 years ago....
Today... we had a special guest in New Capital...
http://newcapital.combats.com/inf.pl?login=Дух Свободы
18:02 [ Дух Свободы[15]] welcomes you
18:02 the invisible has used a spell invisibility
Дух Свободы = Spirit of Freedom
Seems to be some kind of adminion, checkin out our village, but purpose of his visit is yet not clear.
Stay tuned for further info.
Comments: 2 | |
updated 21.11.08 21:56 01.09.08 01:40 |
NakoputiPrdel | Ruined gameplay due to lack of attention |
ru |
Angels are innocent, arent they?
Well... everybody knows, that New Capital has just a few citizens, but obviously, noone cares... Its hard for noobies to stay here, because theres no motivation for them to lvl up (basically no items for lvl 8+), and the worst part is, that if you sa "what the hell, ill keep playing" the night falls, and ur constantly with no life, no fights and no opponents, because of the most stupid thing ever....due to lack of attention of angels, our shop is "technically" closed, and if you manage to enter, somehow... theres no garlic...NO GARLIC....Halooooooo, how hard is to press 2x mouse button and refill the stock, to keep ppl at least 80% safe during the night?... well this is just wasting of my time... just like the 14 days of translations turned to an almost a year already, refilling our stock will take ages.... but, behold...if you wont pay any attention to us, there will be nothing to translate, because everyone will leave....
Comments: 28 | |
17.08.08 03:32 |
NakoputiPrdel | Good boys gone bad... |
ru |
Dear diary,
today, few ppl has been smashed at Central Square of our peacefull town. Im not talking about they didnt deserve to die, they did for sure, but i cant believe that i was anywhere near to that bloody massacre. The world revealed its true face, and we have to face it... the water is not as wet as it used to be, the air aint so windy anymore, and there is disturbance in the force... i can feel it.
Lets see, if prayin to the lord will bring me back my inner peace im lookin for.
City update: Hail to the beast with billion bucks, the one and only, the chosen one, saviour of the week, salvation of the payin...Mercurius!!
Hip hip, hurray
hip, hip, hurray
hip, hip, hurray.
Stay tuned for next further info about NC :)
Mood: :)
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