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Faith is the last thing we give up =) I some how managed to look at your photoalbum and I'd love to comment some of your pics but as it's all in russian, I aint able to - you look FINE. I might as well state that here :))
thanx) I'm not going to give up just gotta have some events in real life ( marriage nd vacation) so communicating with adminion will be not earlier then september:)
Nice =) I'd focus on the upcoming events your gonna face instead of the game too ))) Congratulations and let's hope that you'r vacation will be as great as mine has been ))
Sounds like a great way to spend your vacation on. =) Where did you move to btw? Your english is flawless so I recon to a english speaking country then ))
As I mentioned earlier, I wasnt interested in HOW they had been in NC, just IF. If they have played with a friend who has an account in NC, or they used to have an old char here or they were teleported here
I guess you didnt like it as you kept your current one and dint start over from scratch with us =) just kidding, please tell me what you thought of our city and its citizens.
wow,its very nice)) but i was blocked,because my nick was incorrect))) for me its very important,because,we cant move to you))) i was impressed,really) very nice city