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 06-08-08 @ 18:01
Pennzoil Open user info
To Administration / Game Developers / Site Owner
I have required this a few times before and as I see no changes I will keep on asking for the attention from the ones in charge till they give me that.

To Administration / Game Developers / Site Owner / Whoom ever it concerns
As you know, NewCapital is a undeveloped city, a mistake from the beginning perhaps, I don't know what you think when you think of NewCapital but I would love to hear it. As you are aware of, with your latest updates, NewCapital got updated at the same time from, what I have learnt, a human mistake. All cred to those responsible for the mistake that you engaged yourself to the limit to get NewCapital translated to english again. But there are still quite a lot of details to be taken care of.
What if you would give us a detailed development plan for NewCapital and spare us the agony that unknowledge brings us?

a small section of questions...

1) Eurocredits. When will we have access to them again?
2) Supreeme. Will we get an active one in the nearest future?
3) Items. There are new items sold in the ECR Shops in the russian version that carries the name "NewCapital" on them, when will we get theese items in our stores?
4) Boarders. Will they be opened again? If yes, when?
5) New Players. What are your plans on attracting new players and keep the old ones? Are you interested in a couple of suggestions?
6) Updates. What are your plans for NewCapital?

Six questions, not arranged in any particular order. Please try to find the energy to answer theese questions.


Music: Scorpions - Send me an Angel

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L0st Pr0phet Open user info Open user photogallery
09-08-08 @ 23:03
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I'm affraid those questions will remain as questions-with-no-answers...
Sad but true (c) Metallica
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Pennzoil Open user info
10-08-08 @ 00:36
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I was hoping for a miracle or a small change of some kind... I have been here for quite a while, just like you have and we are used to not knowing shit regarding the plans of NC. But instead of Metallica, I was hoping of listening to Mike Shinoda - Spell it out instead. =))
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