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10-08-08 @ 01:04 Pennzoil What will happen to NewCapital?
A Nightmare come true?! Have you ever waken up from a bad dream covered with sweat and just shaken from frustration from not knowing if you just have experienced a sight from the future or if it just was a nightmare? If you have - You can relate to my fear of the following to occure. If you yet havent - You will... one night, and it's not a pleasent experience.
Here's a nightmare I have had a couple of times: I Log in on combats.com but instead of getting to NewCapital, I find myself in Emerald City. At first I pinch myself to make sure I'm awake, when I bounce from the actual pain of the pinch, it is slowly setting... I AM IN A DIFFERENT PLACE!!! Sweet - First things first, I make myself go to the Central Square, knowing that the population in any town is quite interested in visitors and when I get jumped by a angry mob, speaking russian, I dont even mind. I let them get the best of me, I'm taking a couple of them with me to the grave but in the end I'm outpowered by the numbers. My adrenalin is pumping - I need to get to Stateowned to see what they got for sale there... OMG, They got several items, even sets for lvl9s I must be in heaven. I go wild on the items and buy what ever I find in this exotic place. After spending most of my cash in the stateowned shop, I decide to make myself familiar with this new town. Once again I get greeted on CS, this time I get some unexpeted help and after 50 pages of fightlogs the fight is over. I go offline. The very next day, I wake up early, from amnesia not being able to sleep at all, just thinking of the last 24 hours and the excitement it has brought me - I log in, absolutely certain that I am back in NewCapital... but Guess again... I'm still in Emerald City. After 2 years of persistant nagging on the few english speaking paladins/tarmans I get the inormation that NewCapital is shut down and all players from there has been moved to Capital except me - who was transfered here for reasons unknown...
Prologue Sometimes I'm certain that Admins have given up on our beloved village and will shut NC down for good and move us to different cities in the russian version (If they would do that, they better take me to the city with the Pub) But untill that day, I will keep my faith and trust that they will hear my prayers at night.
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Sir, you have again surprised me =)) I Doubt, that Administration when or will go on such step, as mixture of users English-speaking and рускоязычной versions. I hope, that they will regret moderators =) However, it would be quite good, if our Angels have resolved to us tourist trips to each other =) let for money, let not on long, but it would be pleasant =)
Not at all. Learning russia or using a translator is not an option. I'm sure that most of russians are able to communicate thru english aswell, it aint my native language either you know...
Yes, it is possible to communicate quite and in English, BUT, rules of dialogue in the general chat and at the Forum demand dialogue in Russian =)) In English only in private. =))
I wish I could... The boarders are closed. In other words - we are stuck in NewCapital, No one can leave and No one can enter. It's our prison if you wish to play with words )