...wisemen said: "Shit happens !"
Bad things use to come together and unexpeted. A man is strong enough to get through almost anything. However this needs time. More or less depends on the case.
The worst thing about all this is if it appears that all u can really do is WAIT untill the specific DAY comes !!!
Living in such a tension is almost unbearable !! This can really drive u to some sort of inadequate behaviour. It tears thy mind. It steels thy sleep. All this has just begun...and I\'m allmost done...
I don\'t know will I stay the same person when it ends...will I make it at all...
It\'s bloody hard to predict...when it\'s a month and a half still to go...
...shit happens...
P.S. beware of loneliness...
Mood: чудовищное
Music: Electronic - Getting away with it