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17.01.20 15:40   |  Afroditta Open user info Open user photogallery |   от Мелла  ru

Р исуя на стекле мгновенья
У зором разрезая гладь
С веркнуть лишь магии творением
А ккордом струнным зазвучать
Л ететь как птица в небе синем
К рыло направить как лучи
А нгел с характером я львиным,
      ... да это я и это ты... (с) Мелла
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31.10.19 17:42   |  Afroditta Open user info Open user photogallery |   Для конкурса в канун Дня Всех Святых (Halloween)  ru

Знают все и неспроста,
Сказочку, про колобка,
Но не каждому сказали,
Что в той сказке есть детали.
Дело в том, что колобок,
Был уж очень «недалёк»,
Он от бабки не ушел,
Он от дедки не ушел,
А побыв с ними чуток,
Оказались на зубок.
Колобок их искромсал,
Съел и даже не устал.
Зубки в стороны торчали,
Косточки в зубах трещали,
Весь в крови и покатился,
Чтоб чуток повеселиться,

И хохочет Колобок
- Ха-ха-ха лепота!
Ха-ха-ха вкуснота!
Бабку с дедкой я поел…
Внучка будет на десерт…
Жучка будет на обед…
Репка, крот, бобёр – закуска,
Ох как классно, Ух как вкусно!!

Лес Чудес зашелестал,
Лес чудес затрепетал,
И пошла молва по лесу,
Ищет колобок-то, лису!
Сколько он лису искал,
Многих страшно искромсал,
Глазики по-вырывал,
А из них кулон создал.
Ходит по лесу ворчит,
Злой, кровавый и кричит:
«Выходи Лиса-краса,
Поглядеть бы на тебя,
Все твердят, что ты умна,
Говорят что ты краса…
Искромсаю и сожру,
На красу не погляжу».
Тут лиса и выбегает,
Хвостиком своим махает
Говорит, что молода,
Не вкусна и в торопях.
Колобок её схватил,
Дерзко взял и проглотил.
Тут бы сказочки конец
И кто слушал молодец,
Но смеётся колобок,
Он ведь очень «недалёк»,
И от смеха, хохота
Взял и лопнул… лепота!
И пошла молва по лесу…
«Колобка, съела лиса!».
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21.09.19 15:33   |  Afroditta Open user info Open user photogallery |   к ДР клана Ametist (01,10,2010) конкурс стихов  ru
 О, Привет, зовут Алеся,
Сказку расскажу вам здеся.
Я пришла с другого клана
И боялась ... не потяну!
Но... теперь иду в палаты
А бойцы блестят как латы
И стоят, глаза маня
42 богатыря,
Все красавцы молодые
Великаны удалые,
Все равны, как на подбор,
С ними дядька Пыхкемон.

Как вступила в клан широкий,
Вижу в титуле высокий,
Мелла песенку поёт,
Золотой фиал грызёт,
Холоны всё вынимает
И в мешочек опускает;
И засеян клан большой
Изумрудною пыльцой.

Ну я дальше торопливо
Вот смотрю и вижу диво,
Тут ведь есть друзья мои,
Титулованны борцы,
Вся слезами залилась
Ну не зря я поднялась,
Обниму сокланов я
И уже весёлая.
Тут бои, клан-чат, задания
Вот и все мои признания.))
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updated 29.05.09 23:45
27.05.09 20:19   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   NewCapital hype for .ru items
 I'm about to tell you about the plain unvarnished truth about the hype in NewCapital when it comes to .ru items.(ru items = items from other cities than NewCapital)

The economical term is - Supply and Demand.
Quite easy actually, the idea is to have something a lot of people wants and just a few people are offering.

For instance: Gorgeous girls.
Everyone wants them but there aint too many of them available, thats why people like Bill Gates can have a wife like he has.

Back to the subject:
In NewCapital we are blessed with a lvl8 set, Smashing Set, thats it - no other lvl8 items and absolutely no lvl9 or lvl10 items.
Sounds quite boring don't you think? So everyone is trying to personify their set in any way possible, the most common way is to use lowlevel items found in the caves or in the shop. But what everyone really wants is some other lvl8 or lvl9 items as complement to the Smashing.
We have some lvl8 items from other towns, brought to NewCapital back in the days.
Out of those items I can metion a few:
Genious Wristbands http://capitalcity.combats.com/encicl/object/naruchi82.html
Sunset Helmet http://capitalcity.combats.com/encicl/object/helmet59.html
Spiked Shoes of Sunset http://capitalcity.combats.com/encicl/object/boots13.html
Just to mention a few.

Now the funny part is the price.
From what I learnt you can buy NewCapital items in a special "EuroCredit Shop" now we dont have any shop like this so we get to rely on buying stuff from eachother for insane prices.
Sunset Helmet for the bargain of 100 ECR
the price changed and it's now for sale for 10 000 cr instead. :)))))

Sneaky Paladin

I wrote an suggestion for quite some time ago that the easiest way to improve the profit in NewCapital would be to to create a similar ECR shop in NC aswell - untill that happens - we will see prices like this becoming more and more common so you better start loving that Smashing Set of yours :)

Mood: хитрое 
Music: Leonard Cohen - The Guests
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updated 09.09.08 21:37
09.09.08 21:13   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   The Time has come?

To the heads/leaders of all clans in NewCapital

Pennzoil [] (09.09.08 15:12)
This post is done for one purpose and one purpose only: To make a stop to the current unfriendly atmosphere in NewCapital.

Please respect that this is a clan matter and should only be handled by the heads/leaders of the different guilds.
I am asking all other, than the ones mentioned by name below, to keep their breath and if necessary, make a different topic to discuss this one. (This concerns the REAL topic on forum, not the copy on Scrolls so fee free to comment)

The responsible ones for each guild are to read this suggestion and sign when they have read it together with their comments.
Try to see the big picture instead of particular players/fights as we are discussing something crucial here.

Representatives invited to discuss this matter in NewCapital at this point:

Paladins – Tsatidis []& Lost in Code []
Guild On The Dark Side in cooperation with Killua– [pers]Ole Lukoje [/pers](character not found)& Cyjack []
Recruit Mercenaries – [pers]Penny [/pers](character not found)& delidumrul [10]

“Okay, you got our attention, what you want?”
This is a extremely important matter so I am grateful for your time.
All of you are respected players and role models within your guilds. You are what most people wishes to become so your actions, words and even your thoughts have importance. Now I ask of you all to act for the greater good and once again take responsibility for our beloved town.
We need to find an agreement on how to end doing certain things.
We need to unite and say that we no longer find it suitable behaviour to cripple and use bloody attacks on each other.

Our town is smaller than ever, by hurting others, we end up hurting our selves.
I hope that you are able to make a distance and contemplate this matter for a while – You will see that this kind of behaviour isn’t suited for our town at this point.
Cripple manouver and Bloody attacks are game possibilities, sure they are but don’t you think that it’s more likely created for the other towns with population higher than 30 people online.

I believe that you will have some trouble convincing some of your members that this is the right thing to do – but that is why You are the leaders, You are the wise ones able to see the bigger picture and the greater good of different actions. So I ask of you – please sign this treaty and let’s make this city even better than it ever was – Together we can do wonders.

With most humble wishes for better times.

Pennzoil []
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04.09.08 00:30   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   More new members :horse:  ru
 We are happy and proud to welcome [pers]azulfou[/pers](character not found) and [pers]Zookeeper[/pers](character not found)

Unlike other guilds - The Order of Balance believes in quality instead of quantity.
It takes something special to become one of us and theese two fellows has what we require =))
And the party continues...
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29.08.08 22:50   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   The Order of Balance welcomes a new member  ru
 This has been a big day in many ways...
Our clan got an addition today by the best possible person: [pers]Bianconeri[/pers](character not found) We welcome our brother and hope that he will enjoy his stay with us
From all the great people we have recruited among the years, Bianco will most certainly find his place in notime and make himself unexchangeable.

Music: Queen - We are the champions
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updated 19.08.08 23:22
19.08.08 20:39   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   More happy news!!
   Hermes [12]
[pers]Mercurius[/pers](character not found)
Has got their signs we congratulate them and hope that they will enjoy their new hometown.
May the Creator and the Dustman stand aside as Archives Keeper will guide you thru the path of moneymaking.

We are quite a few waiting to be able to use their services.
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16.08.08 23:07   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   What will our New Alchemist bring us?  ru
 We will get us a new alchemist from the russian version, but with a clone from NC ))) Sounds confusing? It is :D

I'd be happy with just EKP. Yet as a human, I am always looking for more.

Wonder if he will bring us some new items?
Wonder if he will offer us items from other cities for EKP?
Wonder if he will be able to offer us T-Shirts and Artifacts?
Wonder if the admins would give NewCapital more attention if someone of us would buy Arts?
Wonder if we will get the new NewCapital items in our stores?
Wonder if he will like our town?
Wonder if he is able to teleport me to another city for EKP?
Wonder how often he will be online and offer us his services?
He seems like a nice person, wonder if he will get us new players?
Wonder if his presence in NewCapital means that we are about to get us a new supreeme?

I am aware that I wont get my questions answered by anyone except by time ) So I sit and bind my time )))
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14.08.08 21:09   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   Is 1 EKP still 20 Kp?  ru
 When you buy EKP, what is the exchange rate?
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