updated 22.08.08 02:40 22.08.08 02:35 |
Aurax | Watchtower's impasse |
ru |
And again I’m making a footstep by a footstep up to the stairs. Ghostly cobblestone walls, covered with cobwebs, dusty and with and antique smell accompany me on my gateway. I keep going, till I notice an old quaint, ancient bow and there I’m standing in the front of an ancient door, which leads to a confined passageway.
It’s impossible not to notice, that the air had become cooler. My heavy boots made a tin-pan sound on the dirty, white marble floor, making me feel a bit strange.
Although I wasn’t scared of anything that could ever happen there, suddenly I felt spectral. A dark grey shade ran along my way, it glanced again and I felt sudden cold breath on my neck. For a short moment I became numb. I looked back, but there was nothing, that my eyes could ever perceive.
Feeling peculiarly, I abruptly noticed an opened alcove in the old wall. My curiosity led me in the narrow alcove uncovering a large dark room.
My footsteps were reechoing in the room, but it was too dark to see anything. I felt blind, so I tried to find a safe road through the room, hoping to find something extraordinary.
While taking my steps I bumped against a wooden bureau. Plate glass smashed in the front of my sight, breaking it in small pieces and uncovering a face contour of a very beautiful girl, an old and very beautiful comb fell on the floor near the chippings.
The comb started to burn, it turned flame-color, started to smoke and turned into ash, but I noticed a very beautiful stone, which had left in the place of the comb. It was the igneous obsidian stone, I thought that it might be very precious and I took it.
Unexpectedly the chippings turned bloody and I heard penetrating, loud, malicious and captivating laugh, which took over room very swiftly.
One of the cullets became bright and levitated in the front of me, leading me to a very small trapdoor on the floor.
Under the trapdoor I found an entrance to a staircase, which led me up and I knew, that I’m somewhere in the walls of this citadel.
The winding stairs took me to small hidden tower… the door to the only room, which had an ancient hieroglyphics and runes on it. With a disquiet feeling I grabbed the door-handle and prepared for my destiny.
The door was locked…
To be continued...
Comments: 21 | |
updated 12.08.08 01:16 12.08.08 01:09 |
Aurax | What would happen if adminstration opens borders? |
ru |
Well, I decided to ask some of our citizens about their opinions, what would thay do in case and what would happen at all if borders between all cities of FC/BK world would be opened.
So the question was:
What would happen if borders to other cities are opened and what would you do?
And here are the answers I got from some players:
Madbaw [] I would find alchemist and if we allow ru fighters here. . . . we will all be dead meat
delidumrul [10] many ppl would leave this city but many ppl would came here. sum it up our population would increase. and i would go to another city to visit mercenaries and buy new items . then i would return here ppl usually love the beginning - first. such as childhood, first city, first gf etc. that is why i would return.
[pers]Chronus[/pers](character not found) Actually, I wouldn't want it to happen, of course we would have good equipment and so on, but actually it'd suck, I better live without having anything od that and wish it to stay as it is. although there'd be waiting some really tough reinforcements and we could kick asses of all hostile people here.
El Camino [10] ] Hmm...rhetorical question... What would happen...every second person in here, would pack their bags and leave for good)) I assume))... but I'd stay...someone has to moderate the chat also? ))
Kanaplev [] dunno ... i been in Capital and demon =)) after new year somethink like bug ;)) i get present with Posslannik =))) and get in ru cyties =)) I liked it.
Mac Crash [] Go shopping and sight seeing but I would come back to my home city =) Why? Because it is our home city and you become attached to it and it's people =)
hernancrespo [10] i wouldn't leave this city for good... becaue i love this city
[pers]rod rage[/pers](character not found) explore .....i think i think i would return sometimes ;) just think of all the cities out there i know a guy at my work from latvia who plays ru ...sounds good
Ellara [] what do u mean? ;D we'll have to work like we did before..
[pers]Bad-Vampire[/pers](character not found) russian players would look whats here and I would buy some items there and return here
[pers]Bandit m[/pers](character not found) I'd disapeir 2 other city
[pers]War Chief[/pers](character not found) id travel more =). i dont travel much. knowing its a bit safer i would see all the cities in combats, see how they are different and how they are the same... i hope they will let us someday
Moscow [10] terrible! as for me, I think. I'd become digger may be.
[pers]Zookeeper[/pers](character not found) I would travel more and meet nice people
Thess [] i would buy some items and come back, but the borders won't open... that's for sure
Lesath [] well, i believe that borders will stay closed for a hundred years, but i think i'll leave the game that day....coz i dont know russian, other reasons are personal.
[pers]Apilas[/pers](character not found) go buy items and come back, i dont understand russian so no point for me to go
Alien_ABT [9] u can port yourself whenever u want to be:) dont know exactly..think its far away if ever... if borders open i want teleport myself to first city that is controlled by vamps and buy myself set for 9lvl:))
Last Kid [] Going to shopping :) arts ofc
[pers]rhett[/pers](character not found) NC would be full of .ru players, but all of us would be gone hunt new items in .ru))
Lord_Wampir [10] i would go to another city to buy new items and then would came back to my city
WOLFRAIDER [] i'd stay here, i like NC
It's much about freedom of everyones opinion. People are different, their wishes are different... but I would never leave NewCapital, because it's my hometown, the town which I belong to, where i stepped my first steps, met all my friends and many good people, had so much fun... almost for 4 years already! And I don't regret it... and never will
Aurax [10]
Comments: 58 | |
updated 19.07.08 00:58 19.07.08 00:52 |
Aurax | My first interview =)(eng) |
ru |
Prologue: There are some really famous people around us… yeah it’s true we notice them, some of us even consider them being our idols.
But you see… what is more important being who you actually are or just following you idol? Not all of the famous people are interesting… there are many interviews with them already…
Sometime you can meet your best and most interesting persons to interview by just interviewing the first person coming from opposite direction… Every player who’s playing here for a while knows something about history of NC, players here… and are always interesting persons to talk to… You can always ask for an interview to old friends… and you will always find out something interesting about them… like I did this time…
So if you are interested in who did I meet, who was the interesting person… proceed and find out how many interesting facts and things, wisdoms and thoughts you can find out by reading this interview…
Absyene: Hi there!
Ellara: Hello
Absyene: Would you like to answer some questions. I meant an interview ;)
Ellara: Can’t promise that I want to answer all of them but we can try :o)
Absyene: Ok, so here we go…
Absyene: We all know something about people we talk to and we make relationships and friendships with… I would like you to introduce with yourself Mrs. Ellara!
Ellara: ohh… ;D ok)
Ellara: I live in Germany and study in university… and am pretty old for this game I suppose ))
Absyene: Can’t be true! None is too old ;) I’ve seen people who are over 40 and they are still playing. But how did you find out about this place (FC)?
Ellara: )) My little brother showed it to me )
Ellara: He played in Russian version and wanted to have a mult here… he showed me how to fight and never got his mult back ;D
Absyene: Nice, and I was just going to ask about your nickname. But now it’s obvious who chosed it.
Ellara: Yep, it was my brothers idea…) although he asked me if I like it)
Absyene: What was the thing you got most attracted to? Why did you continue playing? We don’t have many girls playing here ;)
Ellara: definitely the ppl here, first I just watched talks of “big guys” in chat))) and I found ppl who were interesting to talk to pretty fast…)
Absyene: Yeah, for girls it’s very easy. Are there many of your first friends who are still playing?
Ellara: nope… None I think ;D
Ellara: But I see some of them in skype sometimes)
Absyene: Yeah it’s nice to remember old friends and talk about good old times
Ellara: a lot of them left to other projects… so we lost contact))
Absyene: Yeah people come and go… like a wind, leaving their imprints…
Absyene: Did you enjoy fighting?
Ellara: yep on levels 5-7 I was a real exphunter ;)
Absyene: I’d really like to see it, but I guess I was only 12 or13 years old then ;)
Ellara: When I got level it was like [9] now, ‘cause we had no level 8 items, so I didn’t fight much anymore
Absyene: Yeah I remember when it was a real problem…
Absyene: Were you the first lady who achieved level 8?
Ellara: no
Ellara: sweetheart got it a bit faster, ‘cause she had a great tod team & I had to fight in HoW a lot
Absyene: Was paladins guild the first guild you joined?
Ellara: yep
Absyene: Why did you decide to join paladins guild?
Ellara: hmm… once I got blocked as a newbie
Ellara: I was really mad at paladins ‘cause they didn’t want to believe me that it was a mistake…
Absyene: And you wanted to avenge your newbie? :D Or help for the right and development of this city?
Ellara: after I got unblocked by supreme I saw that there’s a justice in this game and after it I liked paladins guild.
Ellara: It’s not much about the development of the city… more about keeping and order around here…
Absyene: And you still like it… Because you are still in there ;)
Absyene: But you see that keeping an order around here helps to develop the city ;) It helps the city to become better=more preferable place to play for others.
Ellara: I think it helps the city not to die… development depends only on admins mood))
Absyene: I know that ToD is huge part of your FC life…
Ellara: Yep, about 3 years ;D
Absyene: How did you start?
Ellara: I started to go alone and look around at the end of level 7
Ellara: of course I never won… but won some ToD-goers as friends))
Absyene: Wait a second, didn’t you say that ToD is evil?
Ellara: sure it is ;) ToD makes a lot of newbies whine)
Absyene: But you faced the horror and took control all over the ToD!
Absyene: Approximately, how many ToD matches you’ve won?
Ellara: 158 till October 2007
Absyene: So now it could be about 180 Is it a record?
Ellara: no it’s not, I think it was almost 1000 ToDs… it’s pity that we don’t have statistics since then…
Absyene: Yeah, but you left your imprints in history of ToD I’d say
Absyene: You were the fighter everyone was afraid of… many people wanted you to get to the level 9 faster.
Ellara: Nah… it’s not the same tod it used to be...)
Absyene: So you want to say that ToD has changed?
Ellara: I liked more the times when 2-3 teams went permanently to tod and it was really hard to win)
Absyene: Yeah I guess then you were able to feel the spirit of competitions and fight against strong competitors
Ellara: our tod hyas changed twice in my times… once when staffs were removed and the second time after the update…
Ellara: but the main change for me is that we don’t have strong team of tod-junkies anymore)
Absyene: Yeah it’s kinda sad actually…
Absyene: Now we’re getting to the part which I find to be the most interesting for me…
Ellara: I’m really excited
Absyene: Can you tell me about GP and its times here… in NC
Ellara: I thought u were born after GP ;)
Ellara: well it was an attempt of three girls to make our citylife more interesting
Absyene: I was playing during that time… and I remember your contests ;D
Ellara: We had fun a lot of friends, and spent all free (and not really free) time in fc…
Absyene: SUMMER CUP, Deskmoney, Quizzes, yeah you were on the TOP I’d say
Ellara: You can’t imagine how much time we lost ‘cause of that ;D ;D
Absyene: I could imagine… they were really hard projects you were working on
Absyene: But then suddenly something happened, you stoped… what happened?
Ellara: well…
Absyene: I’m interested
Ellara: we all had to face consequences of our fc addiction I think, failed exams, cheating bfs, lost friends in real… it’s sad but that’s how you end if you forget about your real life %)
Absyene: you just told me and the persons who are going to read this a well known, forgot and realistic wisdom.
Absyene: No matter what happened beyond the screen, the real life is more important…
Ellara: Now I’m happy for the girls and for me that we managed it to get out of this… but I know that for many of us it’s very difficult and even not possible without some help
Absyene: It is true many people don’t see this difference…
Absyene: Now we’re getting to the very last questions… What do you think: Is life in NC and whole FC changed during the time you used to play and still play?
Ellara: of course, it’s changing all the time… some ppl leave, some new ones come, and players are what makes our city special…
Ellara: Sometimes I see ppl who login once a year… and this game is not interesting for them anymore ‘cause their friends are not here… the city changed completely for them
Absyene: I agree with you.
Absyene: But what would you like to see in Ncs future?
Ellara: No bugs and translations without mistakes :-)
Absyene: How modest )))
Ellara: I don’t want it to look like a Russian city, ‘cause I think then I’ll be one who logs in once a year to look if it still exists…)
Absyene: Yeah because we just want to be like we are at the moment… better… but not the same as others…
Absyene: Is there something you’d like to wish or make known to every player who’s playing here?
Ellara: Don’t forget, it’s just a game
Absyene: Well said.
Ellara: It’s pity when ppl start doing terrible things here and forget about friendship, ‘cause of some xp, guild sign or cr. or whatever…
Absyene: And that’s all from me…
Absyene: I wish you to make your dreams come true, and all the best here, in FC, and of course in real ( which we found out to be more important ) ;D
Ellara: Hope you can learn something out of my mistakes..
Absyene: Thank you for the interview… ;D and yes I surely can ;D
Ellara: np And good luck with your tasks))
Epilogue: Behind the screen, owning a character in FC there are interesting people sitting. You can always find out about things you never knew, find out about history of characters, their adventures here, interesting and famous contests, tournaments, people from their point of view. And at the very last ending…you can learn something new…
Mood: пятничное ![](http://img.combats.com/i/smile/friday.gif) Music: Laurent Wolf- No Stress
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