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updated 15.07.11 12:24
15-07-11 @ 12:04

Yondex ll Open user info Open user photogallery
Садись на мою лошадь!)
переключите на 480роригинальная флешка по ссылке: http://goo.gl/AJYVc

Look at my horse. my horse is amazing
Give it a lick. (mmm!) It tastes just like raisins!
Have a stroke of it's mane, it turns into a plane
And then it turns back again when you tug on its winky
Ooooh thats dirty!
Do you think so?
Well, I better not show you where the lemonade is made

Sweet lemonade
ohh sweet lemonade
sweet lemonade
yes sweet lemonade

Get on my horse
I'll take you round the universe
And all the other places too
I think you'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything
Shut up woman get on my horse!

Я думаю, что это: Scrolls.multiLike:)

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Bernhard Open user info Open user photogallery
15-07-11 @ 12:28
Re: Садись на мою лошадь!)
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Хорошая песенка!:)
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