13.08.08 20:43 |
Denkend | Silence, I kill you |
ru |
Mood: веселое ![](http://img.combats.com/i/smile/smil.gif)
updated 13.08.08 23:56 13.08.08 20:30 |
Pennzoil | Could it be? |
ru |
Seems that we will finally get what I have been begging for ))))
We will get us a new alchemist
are apparenty asigned to be our future Alchemists =))))
All this revealed by our own Last Kid http://newcapital.combats.com/inf.pl?login=Last Kid and his intervue with http://capitalcity.combats.com/inf.pl?login=VLAAAM_EG
I hope that this will truly happen
15:05] Last Kid[9]: Hi :) Do you speek english? I am from combats - NewCapital.
[15:19] VLAAAM_EG[9]: By means of the translator only :-[
[15:20] Last Kid[9]: Sure.
[15:20] Last Kid[9]: I am Last Kid from NewCapital City.
[15:21] Last Kid[9]: I want to ask you if you have any idea about the new characters which were made by administration. It seems they will be alchemists.
[15:27] VLAAAM_EG[9]: Occurrence of the alchemist in your city, a matter of time.
[15:28] Last Kid[9]: Do you know when?
[15:28] VLAAAM_EG[9]: Excuse for wrong language :-)
[15:29] Last Kid[9]: It is ok.
[15:30] VLAAAM_EG[9]: Alchemist service will be ready in NewCapital in a few days.
[15:30] Last Kid[9]: Hermes and Mercurius will be handeled by you?
[15:30] VLAAAM_EG[9]: Mercurius.
[15:31] Last Kid[9]: And who is Hermes? :)
[15:32] VLAAAM_EG[9]: This is second alchemist.
[15:33] Last Kid[9]: Is an alchemist from ru like you are?
[15:33] VLAAAM_EG[9]: yes.
[15:38] Last Kid[9]: Ok. Thank you.
[15:39] Last Kid[9]: Have a good day. We are waiting you in NewCapital :)
Music: James Dean - Thats Amore
Comments: 3 | |
updated 19.08.08 01:28 13.08.08 14:06 |
Denkend | Ностальжи - 4 |
ru |
HideЗемля, где так много разлук
Земля, где так много разлук (2)
По воле рока
Music: гардемариновскую
Comments: 4 | |
12.08.08 21:25 |
ru |
Класнойа Кнопко!:)
Comments: 2 | |
updated 12.08.08 21:57 12.08.08 20:46 | adminion :
Волынщик | |
ru |
Наш мир подобен человеку, который в прошлом был великим воином, героем, при одном виде которого враги разбегались в панике. Этот человек был не только силен, но и талантлив, его творения до сих пор ходят по большому миру.
К сожалению, имя его уже давно не вызывает у людей уважения. Те, кого он считал своими друзьями, предали его, оставшиеся же верными ему бессильно смотрят на него, не в силах помочь. Этот человек будто бы стал тенью прошлого себя, внешне он силен, но внутри.. Будто бы усталость, которая не дает расправить плечи и взять в руки меч, втоптать в землю предателей и громогласно заявить о себе, возродить былую славу и уважение.
Кровь этого мира остыла, она не греет и не дает ему того начального толчка, после которого начнется пробуждение великого героя. И кровь эта - битвы. Великие битвы.
С сего дня лимит опыта, получаемого в Великих Битвах, увеличен в два раза. Для всех.
И небольшое косметическое изменение.
Свитки Великое восстановление энергии и Великое восстановление маны больше не требуют хода на использование.
Начнем с малого..
Mood: коварное ![](http://img.combats.com/i/smile/kruger.gif)
Comments: 470 | |
updated 19.08.08 01:29 12.08.08 13:11 |
Denkend | Ностальжи - 3 |
ru |
HideПозвони мне, позвони
счастье вдруг
звенит январская вьюга
Comments: 8 | |
updated 12.08.08 01:16 12.08.08 01:09 |
Aurax | What would happen if adminstration opens borders? |
ru |
Well, I decided to ask some of our citizens about their opinions, what would thay do in case and what would happen at all if borders between all cities of FC/BK world would be opened.
So the question was:
What would happen if borders to other cities are opened and what would you do?
And here are the answers I got from some players:
Madbaw [] I would find alchemist and if we allow ru fighters here. . . . we will all be dead meat
delidumrul [10] many ppl would leave this city but many ppl would came here. sum it up our population would increase. and i would go to another city to visit mercenaries and buy new items . then i would return here ppl usually love the beginning - first. such as childhood, first city, first gf etc. that is why i would return.
[pers]Chronus[/pers](character not found) Actually, I wouldn't want it to happen, of course we would have good equipment and so on, but actually it'd suck, I better live without having anything od that and wish it to stay as it is. although there'd be waiting some really tough reinforcements and we could kick asses of all hostile people here.
El Camino [10] ] Hmm...rhetorical question... What would happen...every second person in here, would pack their bags and leave for good)) I assume))... but I'd stay...someone has to moderate the chat also? ))
Kanaplev [] dunno ... i been in Capital and demon =)) after new year somethink like bug ;)) i get present with Posslannik =))) and get in ru cyties =)) I liked it.
Mac Crash [] Go shopping and sight seeing but I would come back to my home city =) Why? Because it is our home city and you become attached to it and it's people =)
hernancrespo [10] i wouldn't leave this city for good... becaue i love this city
[pers]rod rage[/pers](character not found) explore .....i think i think i would return sometimes ;) just think of all the cities out there i know a guy at my work from latvia who plays ru ...sounds good
Ellara [] what do u mean? ;D we'll have to work like we did before..
[pers]Bad-Vampire[/pers](character not found) russian players would look whats here and I would buy some items there and return here
[pers]Bandit m[/pers](character not found) I'd disapeir 2 other city
[pers]War Chief[/pers](character not found) id travel more =). i dont travel much. knowing its a bit safer i would see all the cities in combats, see how they are different and how they are the same... i hope they will let us someday
Moscow [10] terrible! as for me, I think. I'd become digger may be.
[pers]Zookeeper[/pers](character not found) I would travel more and meet nice people
Thess [] i would buy some items and come back, but the borders won't open... that's for sure
Lesath [] well, i believe that borders will stay closed for a hundred years, but i think i'll leave the game that day....coz i dont know russian, other reasons are personal.
[pers]Apilas[/pers](character not found) go buy items and come back, i dont understand russian so no point for me to go
Alien_ABT [9] u can port yourself whenever u want to be:) dont know exactly..think its far away if ever... if borders open i want teleport myself to first city that is controlled by vamps and buy myself set for 9lvl:))
Last Kid [] Going to shopping :) arts ofc
[pers]rhett[/pers](character not found) NC would be full of .ru players, but all of us would be gone hunt new items in .ru))
Lord_Wampir [10] i would go to another city to buy new items and then would came back to my city
WOLFRAIDER [] i'd stay here, i like NC
It's much about freedom of everyones opinion. People are different, their wishes are different... but I would never leave NewCapital, because it's my hometown, the town which I belong to, where i stepped my first steps, met all my friends and many good people, had so much fun... almost for 4 years already! And I don't regret it... and never will
Aurax [10]
Comments: 58 | |
updated 11.08.08 10:59 11.08.08 10:55 |
ru |
Подскажите адрес сайта ANOMALY [] ))))чорт))зОбыл)
Comments: 23 | |
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