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06.08.08 23:29   |  Ex*NUMBERKREST Open user info Open user photogallery |     ru
 ну вот...:( за слово "сцуко", неадресованному НИКОМУ - получил молчанку формуную в 3 часа...весело:(
контекст был примерно такой "а оно,сцуко,стреляется и жарит"....рРРр))))
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06.08.08 22:09   |  Ex*NUMBERKREST Open user info Open user photogallery |   Красиво..(18+)  ru
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06.08.08 18:01   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   To Administration / Game Developers / Site Owner  ru
 I have required this a few times before and as I see no changes I will keep on asking for the attention from the ones in charge till they give me that.

To Administration / Game Developers / Site Owner / Whoom ever it concerns
As you know, NewCapital is a undeveloped city, a mistake from the beginning perhaps, I don't know what you think when you think of NewCapital but I would love to hear it. As you are aware of, with your latest updates, NewCapital got updated at the same time from, what I have learnt, a human mistake. All cred to those responsible for the mistake that you engaged yourself to the limit to get NewCapital translated to english again. But there are still quite a lot of details to be taken care of.
What if you would give us a detailed development plan for NewCapital and spare us the agony that unknowledge brings us?

a small section of questions...

1) Eurocredits. When will we have access to them again?
2) Supreeme. Will we get an active one in the nearest future?
3) Items. There are new items sold in the ECR Shops in the russian version that carries the name "NewCapital" on them, when will we get theese items in our stores?
4) Boarders. Will they be opened again? If yes, when?
5) New Players. What are your plans on attracting new players and keep the old ones? Are you interested in a couple of suggestions?
6) Updates. What are your plans for NewCapital?

Six questions, not arranged in any particular order. Please try to find the energy to answer theese questions.


Music: Scorpions - Send me an Angel
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05.08.08 00:33   |  Denkend Open user info Open user photogallery |   Вопросы  ru

Оговорка: когда отвечу - не знаю.
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updated 02.08.08 03:50
02.08.08 03:16   |  Ex*NUMBERKREST Open user info Open user photogallery |   Интересно...
....ЧТО водитель этим хотел нам сказать?:)))))))))))

Update: 02-08-08 03:46

Объявляю конкурс на лучшую расшифровку номера:) Конкурс продлится до конца воскресенья:)
Приз - 7.77кр;)

Кол-во вариантов - НЕОГРАНИЧЕНО:)

ответы принимаются только в этом топике)
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01.08.08 16:26   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   Genious Wristbands / Наручи Одаренности  ru
 If you got a pair of those and happen to find a way to smuggle them to NC, feel free to do so. They'd be a welcome addition to my set ^^
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updated 01.08.08 12:01
01.08.08 11:44   |  Ex*NUMBERKREST Open user info Open user photogallery |   СониЭрикссон W660i^_^
 Куда сохраняются файлы принятые через голубой зубег?:) всё обшарил:)нифига не нашёл:)

ЗЫ: в инструкции не написано:(

Update: 01-08-08 12:01
оч странно,но я понил:)))
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31.07.08 10:51   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   Talking about sets again / Комплект Злодеяний  ru
 I didn't get too many answers before so I'll make a new try...
What do you think of this set? Комплект Злодеяний
If I'm not mistaken, it's a improved FEAR and as far as I can see, it is the best set for lvl9s.
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30.07.08 16:12   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   What is the best set?  ru
 Is there a one, particular set that kicks ass of the other sets on that same level?

For intance in NewCapital we got a lvl7 set that pwns other lvl7 sets and it's the Golden set.
As we aint got any set but smashin for lvl8s and higher, It's hard for me to say anything about lvl8 sets so here is where YOU come in and help me out, so go ahead, express yourself hehe ))
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30.07.08 11:03   |  Pennzoil Open user info |   Caves/Underground/Sewers/Dungeons  ru
 We have a underground in NewCapital it's filled with lvl4 - lvl6 mobs and extreemly easy to run thru all alone.
I've heard that there are harder Caves/Underground/Sewers/Dungeons in the russian version.
Is there any place that contains hard enough mobs for a lvl9 to handle on their own?
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